The White Hat’s military devolution plan is live

Breaking: The White Hats’ Military Devolution Plan is live!
Global blackout, Project Odin, Tesla energy revolution, and the Deep State takedown—this is the moment we’ve been waiting for! The storm has arrived and it’s going to shake the world to its core. The Plan is in motion, and the takedown of the Deep State is in full swing! #TheStorm #TrustThePlan

This isn’t just a theory anymore—the White Hats, alongside Trump, have set their Devolution Plan in place, and it’s already underway. The dismantling of the Deep State is happening now, and with it comes the liberation we’ve all been fighting for. The revolution has begun—and we are on the frontlines.

What’s Devolution? It’s about power being returned to the people, a full collapse of the corrupt systems that have enslaved us for decades. The Deep State’s control is crumbling as the military and patriots work to expose their crimes, one step at a time. This isn’t a fight we see on TV, but it’s happening right before our eyes—indictments, arrests, even executions are taking place as these criminals are brought to justice.

The blackout is not just a metaphor. We’ve been hearing „blackout necessary,“ and now you know why. It’s part of the master plan to cut off the Deep State’s control of the media. The media’s lies, their manipulation, it’s all going down. This is about severing their grip on the narrative and unleashing the truth on a global scale.

Project Odin is the strike that will take out the Mossad-controlled media satellites, cutting off their propaganda. And once those satellites go dark, it’s the beginning of the end for the Deep State’s reign of terror. The Tesla energy revolution will follow, bringing free energy to the world—something the elites have hidden from us for far too long.

The arrest wars have begun. From political puppets to corporate elites, no one is safe. This is about cleaning house. These criminals thought they could evade justice forever, but their time has run out. The White Hats have all the evidence, and justice is coming.

The Deep State’s empire is collapsing—trust the plan. The revolution is already here, and the best is yet to come. Stay vigilant, because the world is about to change forever.


Military Occupation Ends Before November 5th!

The clock is ticking! Trump’s war on corruption, military tribunals, and a massive election sting are about to explode. With foreign occupation ending before November 5th, the battle for America’s soul reaches its climax. Will the Republic survive, or will chaos reign? Prepare for the final reckoning!

This is not just another election cycle. This is a war—a war for survival. Everything you thought you knew is about to change, and the truth is far more shocking than anyone could have imagined.

Obama’s Directive: The Hidden Sabotage

In July 2016, Obama quietly issued PPD-40, a move that went unnoticed by most. But it wasn’t just about government continuity—it was about ensuring foreign agents maintained control. Just four days before Trump’s inauguration, this directive was activated. It was no peaceful transition. It was sabotage of Trump’s incoming administration, designed to keep the shadowy powers pulling the strings.

Trump fought a war that wasn’t visible to the public. Behind the scenes, he battled for the very soul of the Republic.

Trump’s Declaration of War

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But Trump didn’t fight alone. He placed key military figures in positions of power, ensuring that the Republic would be defended. Under the COG protocols, Trump gave authority to the military, handing them the power to act in defense of the Constitution.

The Executive Orders: A Blow to Global Corruption

Trump’s Executive Orders 13818 and 13848 in 2017 were game-changers. They targeted corruption and foreign interference in elections. But this wasn’t just a domestic fight—Trump’s orders hit a global network of corruption. Assets were frozen, and a global sting was set in motion.

Military Tribunals: Justice at Last

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The Election Sting: 2020 Was Never What It Seemed

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The Biden Administration: Just a Show?

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The Final Countdown

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