Jesuits control the Vatican …

. . . and are the real religious controllers of the new world order

The time has come to uncover the truth: the Jesuits are at the very core of Vatican power! For centuries, they’ve operated in secret, controlling the religious agenda of the New World Order and manipulating global events from the shadows.

Former Bishop of Guatemala, Gerard Bouffard, blows the lid off the dark underbelly of the Vatican. According to Bouffard, the Black Pope—the Jesuit General, Fr. Peter Hans Kolvenbach—pulls the strings. The Pope himself is just a puppet, taking orders from the Jesuits as they secretly direct the Illuminati’s global agenda.

Bouffard reveals the terrifying truth: the Jesuits infiltrate religions and governments worldwide, with the ultimate goal of creating a one-world religion rooted in Luciferian principles. This isn’t just a church issue—Bouffard exposes that the Jesuits‘ influence stretches across the globe, including the U.S. government and organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

These Jesuits don’t just hide behind robes—they infiltrate every corner of society, disguising themselves as Protestants, Baptists, Jews, and other religious figures, all while working towards the destruction of America and the establishment of a global Luciferian empire. Their sinister plot seeks to infiltrate and destroy from within, laying the groundwork for global chaos.

The Jesuits’ reach is vast, and Bouffard’s firsthand experience proves it. He spent years in the Vatican, close to Pope John Paul II, witnessing the Jesuits‘ iron grip over everything, from policy decisions to the manipulation of world events. And their agenda isn’t just limited to the Church. It’s about bringing total destruction to the Middle East, America, and Israel, using every tool at their disposal.

Bouffard’s shocking revelations are backed by other researchers like Bill Hughes and Eric Jon Phelps, who have long warned of the Jesuit Order’s true intentions. It’s not just about control—it’s about domination, war, and genocide.

For too long, these men in black have hidden behind a veil of holiness, pretending to serve God while pushing forward a Luciferian agenda. They want to bring the world to its knees, and America is at the top of their hit list. Are we going to sit back and let them get away with it?

The truth is out. We must expose these architects of evil and fight back before it’s too late. The storm is here, and the battle for the soul of the world has already begun.


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