German CDC docs reveal, COVID response was a Psy-Op to ‘dumb down the public’

Fact checked by The People’s Voice Community

June 25, 2024 Sean Adl-TabatabaiNews, World6 Comments

German study reveals Covid response was a big government psy-op.

The German government has been forced to admit that the COVID response, including mask mandates, lockdowns and social distancing, was a psy-op designed to make the public more compliant to authoritarianism.

According to documents released via a FOIA lawsuit, health officials at the RKI (Germany’s equivalent of the CDC) also lied to the public about the dangers of COVID and the COVID vaccine so that the government wouldn’t cut their funding.


4 Antworten zu „German CDC docs reveal, COVID response was a Psy-Op to ‘dumb down the public’“

  1. Avatar von Franz77

    Anmeldung hat nach 100000 Versuchen funktioniert. Puh!!!

    1. Am 2.7.2024 um ca. 13:00 hatte ich bemerkt,
      daß am Benutzer „Franz77“ Passwort-Änderungen
      gemacht wurden.
      Warst Du das selber, oder wurden wir gehackt ?

      1. Avatar von Franz77

        War wohl ich … *knurr*

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