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DRINGEND ! Militärische Informationen: Projekt ODIN = EBS !
Der Internet-Blackout – Militärgesetz von GESARA – Der Anfang vom Ende

Meschuggen ? Projekt ODIN ? Qu’estce que cest ?


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Prepare for an unprecedented global internet blackout as military sources reveal Project ODIN, a covert operation set to dismantle the old guard and activate the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS). This monumental event will upend global communications, expose corruption, and herald a new era of transparency and justice. Stay informed on this breaking news and the transformative impact of Project ODIN.


In a world teetering on the edge of transformation, an unprecedented event is set to shake the very foundations of our global communications infrastructure. As whispers of a covert military operation swirl, one name stands out amidst the chaos: PROJECT ODIN. This monumental initiative, poised to trigger a worldwide internet blackout, promises to upend the status quo and herald a new era of transparency and justice.

The Impending Internet Blackout: Silence is Golden. Military sources have sounded the alarm, urging us to brace for an imminent internet blackout. The question looms large: what happens when they can no longer broadcast live footage of Biden, or if the AI systems in place falter? The response is stark and chilling. Social media giants like Facebook, Google, and Twitter will be taken down in a sweeping digital purge. Silence, they say, is golden in the face of such upheaval.

Systematic Destruction of the Old Guard. We are witnessing the methodical dismantling of the entrenched powers that have long held sway over global narratives. The phrase “Welcome to the Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favor” has never rung more true. Panic is palpable as the old guard crumbles, making way for a new order.

Don’t Miss This:

PROJECT ODIN + Military GESARA = EBS: A Formula that Will Change the Course of History Forever!

Exposing Project Odin: The Quantum Starlink Revolution, EBS, Gesara Military, Secret Tribunals, and the Fall of the Cabal – ASEE ALSO: Divine Dialogue: Mysterious Secret Phrase UNLOCKS the Power to Have Every Prayer Answered Instantly! Journey Through Q Drops and Military Intrigue!

BQQQM!!! THE EVENT: Castle Rock – The Imminent Catastrophe That Will Overturn the Biden Administration and Change Everything!

The Biblical Scale of the Operation. Q has repeatedly hinted at a grand, Biblical-scale event masquerading as World War 3. However, this is a smokescreen for a far more profound transformation. The military will be deployed worldwide, targeting and neutralizing key satanic strongholds. This includes well-known sites such as:

  • The Vatican
  • Buckingham Palace
  • The White House (both in the USA and Germany)
  • The Three Gorges Dam in China
  • CERN at the Swiss/French border
  • Big Pharma facilities in Wuhan, China, and Israel

This operation will see the downfall of 34 satanic buildings and dams, a clear signal of the comprehensive nature of this purge.

Rods of God and DEW: The Tools of Divine Retribution. The military’s arsenal includes the fearsome Rods of God and Directed Energy Weapons (DEW), which will be deployed against satanic targets globally. This will result in the grounding of planes and trains, a brief blackout as energy systems transition to Tesla’s free energy, and the permanent shutdown of Bitcoin Server Data Centers. In this new world, 99.5% of cryptocurrencies will vanish, replaced by ISO20022 coins backed by precious metals.

The WW3 Scare Event: A Necessary Deception. To facilitate this transition, a World War 3 scare event will be orchestrated. This will involve nuclear sirens and dramatic water events, creating a sense of urgency and justification for the sweeping changes about to unfold. The stock market will collapse, and martial law will be enforced globally. This is all part of the master plan to implement NESARA/GESARA and the RV, a global financial reset that promises to redistribute wealth and restore justice.

Unveiling the Truth: Military Trials and Revelations. A series of military trials will reveal the depths of corruption and manipulation that have plagued our world. The FISA documents will expose the election fraud, leading to the inauguration of Donald Trump and John F. Kennedy Jr. as leaders of the new era. The Israeli Mossad, which has long controlled global media from within the United States, will be dismantled, and their media assets will be removed.

The New Quantum System: Beyond the Cabal’s Reach. The new Quantum System, protected by secret space programs, will render the Cabal powerless. With Israeli intelligence forced to withdraw, the stage is set for a new era of transparency and accountability. As communications are disabled, John F. Kennedy Jr. will emerge, heralding the dawn of a new age.

The Grand Finale: A New Dawn. To fully transition to the greatness of GESARA, a simulated World War 3 scenario will be played out. This will justify the sweeping changes and military actions that have taken place. The implementation of GESARA Military Law will include secret military tribunals, confessions, and executions. In the aftermath, the world will rebuild, free from the corrupt governments and enslavers that once held sway.

Wisdom! Health Through God’s Pharmacy: Eight Biblical Herbs, One Supplement, A LifeTime Of Wellness and Grace

As we stand on the precipice of this monumental event, it is essential to remain vigilant and prepared. The internet blackout will be a pivotal moment, signaling the end of the old guard and the dawn of a new era. With Project ODIN and the Emergency Broadcast System, we will witness the systematic destruction of the forces that have long oppressed us. In the aftermath, we will rebuild a world founded on justice, transparency, and freedom. The odds may be in our favor, but it is up to us to seize this moment and shape the future we deserve.

Behind the Scenes: Q-Phones by QFS & StarLink QG! The Ultimate Game-Changer in Communication, Finance, GESARA Applications, and Universal Basic Income Distribution (video)

Behind the Scenes: the revolutionary Q-Phones by QFS and StarLink QG, set to transform communication and finance. Explore how these cutting-edge devices integrate with GESARA applications to streamline Universal Basic Income (UBI) distribution. Watch now to understand the future of global connectivity and economic reform.



Q Phones and GESARA: Trump’s Vision for the Future of Quantum Phones and the Global Currency Reset, Powered by Stellar Blockchain –

STARLINK’s EBS Signal: The Countdown to Global Connectivity Begins, DEFCON One Alert, Q’s Sting Operation, Trump’s Prediction & Global Communication Revolution-

News Alert! The RV and Military Operations: Behind the Scenes – The Signing of a Historic Treaty by 209 Countries Aims to Redefine Global Currencies! Trust the Plan! –

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Danke das genügt 🙂 Wenn sie nicht gestorben sind, leben sie noch heute.

And keep in mind, how many Germans went over to Amerika during WW1+2