Milizenführer Prigoschin getötet

Die Luftverkehrsaufsichtsbehörde bestätigt, dass Jewgenij Prigoschin und Kommandeure der Wagner-Miliz an Bord gewesen waren. Ein zweites Flugzeug, das dem Söldnerchef gehöre, ist kurze Zeit später in Moskau gelandet.

Am Mittwochabend verdichteten sich in Russland Berichte, denen zufolge Jewgenij Prigoschin bei einem Flugzeugabsturz ums Leben gekommen ist. Jener Milizenführer, der es vor genau zwei Monaten wagte, den russischen Präsidenten direkt herauszufordern, als er den Aufstand gegen die Militärführung und letztlich Wladimir Putin selbst probte. Gegen 19:20 Uhr Ortszeit hieß es in Telegram-Kanälen, ein Militärflugzeug sei im Twerer Gebiet abgestürzt. Um kurz vor 20 Uhr teilte der Katastrophenschutz mit, dass ein Privatflugzeug vom Typ Embraer Legacy im Gebiet Twer abgestürzt sei, nahe einem Dorf namens Kuschenkino. Alle zehn Menschen an Bord seien umgekommen, sieben Passagiere und drei Besatzungsmitglieder. Die Maschine sei von Moskau nach Sankt Petersburg unterwegs gewesen, Prigoschins Wohnort. Gleich darauf teilte die Luftverkehrsaufsichtsbehörde Rosawiazija mit, auf der Passagierliste werde der Name Prigoschins geführt.

In Telegram-Kanälen hieß es, das Flugzeug mit der Registrierungsnummer RA-02795 habe Prigoschin gehört. Ein Telegram-Kanal mit Verbindungen in die Sicherheitskräfte schrieb, an Bord sei womöglich auch Dmitrij Utkin gewesen, jener Kommandeur mit Vorliebe für NS-Symbolik, dessen Kampfname der Wagner-Miliz den Namen gab und der angeblich am Tag des Aufstands im Juni die Kolonne von Prigoschins Kämpfern anführte, die nach Moskau unterwegs war. Ob das stimmte, war zunächst unklar. Doch bald berichtete das Petersburger Medium „Fontanka“ sowie die gut vernetzte Journalistin Xenija Sobtschak, Prigoschin und Kommandeure der Wagner-Miliz seien an Bord gewesen. Ein Vertreter der Besatzer des südukrainischen, im vergangenen Herbst von Putin annektierten Gebiets Saporischschja teilte mit, er habe mit Milizionären gesprochen, die den Tod Prigoschins und Utkins bestätigt hätten. Staatsnachrichtenagenturen schrieben zunächst nur, dass an der Absturzstelle sieben respektive acht Leichname entdeckt worden seien. Um 23 Uhr Moskauer Zeit veröffentlichte Rosawiazija auf Telegram eine Liste mit Namen von Besatzung und Passagieren, die „an Bord“ des Flugzeugs gewesen seien. Darauf stehen die Namen Prigoschins sowie Utkins.

Rasch machten Videos vom Geschehen die Runde durch russische Telegram-Kanäle. Frauen filmten das fallende Flugzeug unter Flüchen, eine von ihnen hielt es für eine abgefangene Drohne. Die Bilder zeugen von einem völligen Kontrollverlust an Bord; Flügelteile und das Heck der Maschine scheinen zu fehlen. Dazu passten Bilder von einem Flugzeugheck, die später verbreitet wurden; es wurde offenbar mehrere Kilometer vom übrigen Wrack gefunden. Andere Bilder vom Boden zeigen die brennenden Reste des Flugzeugs. Weitere zeigen Trümmer, zwischen denen zwei menschliche Leichname liegen. Der Wagner zugerechnete Telegram-Kanal „Grey Zone“ schrieb, das Flugzeug sei von der Flugabwehr abgeschossen worden. Zeugen hätten zwei Knallgeräusche gehört. Um 18:20 Uhr hätten Fluglotsen ergebnislos versucht, sich mit der Besatzung in Verbindung zu setzen. Das wurde offiziell nicht bestätigt. Aus Justizkreisen hieß es, „alle Versionen“ würden geprüft, einschließlich Pilotenfehlern, technische Mängel und äußere Einwirkung.

„Grey Zone“ und andere hoben hervor, dass genau vor zwei Monaten, am Abend des 23. Juni, Prigoschin seinen „Marsch der Gerechtigkeit“ verkündet hatte, der zum Aufstand wurde. Die Wagner-Leute hatten mehrere Kampfhubschrauber und ein Flugzeug abgeschossen, Putin hatte der Getöteten im Kreml gedacht. Bald aber konnte es den Anschein erwecken, als hätte es den Aufstand nie gegeben. Der 62 Jahre alte Prigoschin wurde entgegen einer Abmachung mit dem Kreml, die ihn nach Belarus wies, während Putins Afrika-Gipfel im Juli in Petersburg gefilmt. Wagners Aktivitäten in Afrika erschienen als Mittel, Prigoschin ein Terrain fern der Heimat zu überlassen, auf dem er seinen Ehrgeiz ausleben könne und nicht mit dem Verteidigungsministerium in Konflikt kommen würde. Erst am am vergangenen Montag hatte sich Prigoschin mit einer kurzen Videobotschaft zurückgemeldet, angeblich aus „einem afrikanischen Land“. Den Zeitpunkt hatte Prigoschin, der bewaffnet und in Tarnkleidung vor Männern auf Pick-ups in einer sandigen Ebene auftrat, gewiss bewusst gewählt, kurz vor dem BRICS-Gipfel in Südafrika.

‚Ten killed‘ in private jet crash in Russia with Wagner boss on board

Russian state media has said eight bodies have been found following the crash 60 miles north of Moscow, and that the mercenary leader’s name was on the passenger list – two months after his failed coup attempt against Vladimir Putin.

Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin and his commander Dmitry Utkin were on board the plane that crashed north of Moscow, Russia’s civil aviation authority confirmed.

Eight bodies have so far been found at the crash site by the Russian emergency services, according to the RIA state news agency.

Seven passengers and three crew were on board the Embraer aircraft and were all killed, TASS news agency reported. The plane was heading from Moscow to St Petersburg.

Prigozhin, 62, and Wagner commander Utkin, 53, were among the passengers killed in the plane crash this evening, according to a Telegram channel affiliated with the Wagner Group.

Russia’s civil aviation authority also confirmed that the pair had been „on board“ the jet.

The jet crashed near the village of Kuzhenkino Tver region, 160 miles north of Moscow, Russia’s emergency situations ministry said.

„An investigation has been launched into the Embraer plane crash that occurred tonight in the Tver region. According to the passenger list, among them is the name and surname of Yevgeny Prigozhin,“ Russia’s Federal Air Transport Agency, Rosaviatsia, said.

Unconfirmed media reports suggest the business jet belonged to Prigozhin, but it was not immediately clear if he had boarded the flight.

Flight tracking data indicated that a private jet linked to Wagner and previously used by Prigozhin departed Moscow on Wednesday evening, only for its transponder signal to vanish within minutes.

The signal was lost in a remote area without nearby airfields suitable for a safe landing. A photograph shared on a pro-Wagner social media account showed burning debris, with a partial tail number resembling that of a company-owned private jet.

The colour and placement of the number on the engine of the crashed jet match other photos of the Wagner aircraft examined by the Associated Press.

Wagner Group rebellion in Russia

Prigozhin led a short-lived mutiny against Russia’s top military brass in June, and was described at the time by Vladimir Putin as a „traitor“.

The Russian mercenaries surged most of the way to Moscow before Prigozhin called off the advance and ordered them to turn back to „avoid bloodshed“.

The rebellion ended when Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko stepped in to broker a deal – which saw Prigozhin agreeing to relocate to neighbouring Belarus.

The Kremlin said his fighters would either retire, follow him there, or join the Russian military.

Once a close confidant of Vladimir Putin, Prigozhin often lambasted the likes of defence minister Sergei Shoigu and top general Valery Gerasimov in public addresses over their handling of the Ukraine invasion.

Prigozhin founded Wagner, a private military company whose fighters have deployed in support of Moscow’s allies in countries including Syria, Libya and the Central African Republic, in 2014. The US has sanctioned it and accused it of atrocities, which Prigozhin has denied.

‚Extraordinary‘ if plane crash with Prigozhin on board was coincidence

Diana Magnay

Moscow correspondent@DiMagnaySky

Everything to do with Yevgeny Prigozhin has been extremely murky and, of course, ever since his march on Moscow, there have been questions on whether he can survive.

It’s very convenient for the Kremlin and for Russia to declare him dead. I suppose a lot of people have been wondering whether this would happen.

If this is the case… then that certainly serves the Kremlin – as he caused the biggest problem for the Kremlin that I can remember since Putin has been in power.

Take it with a pinch of salt – we need more confirmation of that. It’s pretty extraordinary. It’s pretty convenient for the Kremlin. It’s interesting how he survived. He was seemingly allowed to get off scot-free.

If this is a coincidence that Prigozhin was on a plane that crashed outside Moscow then that’s pretty extraordinary – but there are lots of extraordinary things happening in Russia at the moment.

Wagner boss posted video two days ago

Prigozhin was last seen in a video on Monday that appeared to have been shot in Africa, where he spoke about making the continent „free“.

The Wagner Group boss released footage of himself speaking while wearing camouflage and holding a rifle.

Prigozhin also described how Wagner was tackling terrorist groups in the region and added that the group wanted to increase its presence in Africa.

He later shared details about Wagner’s recruitment in the video, which was accompanied by a telephone number for those who wanted to join.

‚He had crossed a line‘

Former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele said this is not the first time he is believed to have been in Africa since his failed armed rebellion in June, and this sort of incident was „inevitable“.

„It’s very curious what he’s been up to since 24 June when this revolt happened, and I think he had crossed the line,“ he told Sky News.

„I think this was almost inevitable, I’m hastened to say.“

Earlier, Mr Steele said a contract had been put out on Prigozhin by members of Russia’s elite over the past few weeks.

Putin ‚at concert‘ at time of crash

While reports are circulating that the boss of the Wagner Group has apparently been killed in the jet crash, the Russian president is at a concert.

The event is said to be dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Soviet troops‘ victory in the Battle of Kursk.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden has been briefed on the plane crash in Moscow that possibly involves Prigozhin. The US president is currently on holiday in Tahoe Valley, California.

He said: „I don’t know for a fact what happened but I am not surprised“, adding: „There is not much that happens in Russia that Putin is not behind.“

And a UK government spokesperson said: „We are monitoring the situation closely.“

‚Why didn’t Prigozhin see this coming?‘

Commenting on the crash, military analyst Sean Bell told Sky News: „After that abortive coup, I don’t think any of us expected Prigozhin’s life expectancy to be more than I think we predicted three months. It looks like it’s two months.“

Mr Bell said that following the unsuccessful Wagner Group mutiny, led by Prigozhin, many would have expected Vladimir Putin to „act very swiftly and decisively“.

Read more:
Who is Yevgeny Prigozhin?

Why Putin’s mistrust of generals is making his forces weaker

„Probably, because of the influence Prigozhin had, not only as an oligarch but as the leader of the Wagner Group, Putin would not want to make a martyr of him.

„Therefore there was a bit of tap dancing around what to do.“

Mr Bell added: „The only question in my mind is why he didn’t see this coming. He seemed to be still remaining in circulation.

„He turned up at the Russian Africa conference only a few weeks back and seemed to be on the same stage as President Putin. And yet what it appears now very clearly that his card was marked, his days were numbered. And it’s no great surprise he’s met an untimely end.“

Professor David Lewis, an expert in global politics at the University of Exeter, also spoke to Sky News about the jet crash, and said: „This could be Putin’s most ruthless revenge killing yet – and it will serve as a graphic warning“.

But he added there will be „political consequences“ as Prigozhin’s death „will infuriate many of his own Wagner soldiers [and] a much wider group who are discontented with the current military leadership and saw Prigozhin as somebody who at least understood their concerns.“


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