Biowarfare Alert

Russian MIL accuse the US of releasing bioweapons to create “crisis situations”, and claims the US are planning to do it again.

Russia just accused the ruling families of the DNC and Big Pharma of creating covid in Ukraine, and using it to take over the world.

“Thus, as in 2019, the US has begun preparing for a new pandemic by searching for virus mutations. We do not rule out that the United States will use of so-called defensive technologies for offensive purposes, as well as for global governance by creating crisis situations of a biological nature.”

I’ve been trying to tell everyone from the jump that Ukraine is backlash for the production and release of SARS-CoV-2!

WW3 already started, and Covid was the first weapon fired.


Russian Chief of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, on Zvezda today:

“They (US) have a policy of global biological control. They understood that by creating artificial biological crises, they can rule the world.”

Kirillov highlights how US Big Pharma companies have enriched themselves by the release of the SARS-CoV-2, and how the damage from the pandemic is “dozens times greater” than the aftermath of WW2.

He also highlights Russia’s repeated efforts to bring thousands of documents to the UN, with which the US repeatedly denies to cooperate.

It’s safe to say, things are escalating surrounding the biolabs in Ukraine, and it’s safe to say we are already at war with Russia. WW3 is well underway.


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